Sunday, June 28, 2015

My First 2 Mile Ride

  Great first 2 mile ride. Really loved the experience. Now this is going to be an awesome workout!

Products I added to my Bionic Runner:
Water bottle:
Kaddy Rack:


  1. great video! I just got back from a 3 mile ride.It was my first. We are about the same height. I wear a size 12 shoe. Initially the clip was all the way to the shortest position and that was too short. I adjusted it all the way out and that felt about right but I am not sure. I had a tendency to probably bend forward at the waist so I did have some hand pain and will have to work on the posture. I leaned a bit side to side like it looks like you did. Is that proper form? Is it likely that I have the clips too far out? I have hopes of getting to a 10 minute a mile running pace by September. Currently I am a slow jogger at about a 15 mile a minute pace.

  2. Thanks Greg! I moved the clips up as well. As far as form goes, I am not sure. I need to work on that as well. I do understand you want to try and stand upright when riding. Good goals to shoot for. This is quite the workout and really looking forward to many BRun's to come.
